Our Goal


• Help to prepare educational professionals recognized for the quality and significance of their teaching, research, scholarship, service, outreach, and leadership.
• Provide widely recognized leadership in the improvement of teaching, learning, and the assessment of educational outcomes across the life span through research, scholarship, and technology.
• Enhance the commitment of faculty, staff, and students to the centrality of diversity, social justice, and democratic citizenship.
• Provide leadership in the development of collaborative, professional relationships with schools, organizations, and other institutions focused on the improvement of education in schools, communities, and workplace settings.
• Sustain a caring, supportive climate throughout the College.
• Enhance the effective and efficient management of the College.


• academic excellence and integrity * outstanding teaching and service
• scholarly research and professional leadership *integration of teaching, research, and service
• individual and collective excellence *diversity, equity, and social justice
• education of individuals across the life span *collegiality and collaboration


• A literate and educated citizenry is vital to a democratic society.
• All people are entitled to a high-quality education, grounded in sensitivity to individual dignity, professional integrity, and a positive and nurturing environment.
• A dynamic education system fosters an equitable, productive economy in a global environment.
• Teaching and learning should be informed by scholarly research and effective practice.
• School improvement should be based on sound research, the application of theory as it relates to effective practice, policy development, and collaboration with practitioners.
• Technology should be used to improve the quality of teaching and learning, research and scholarship, and outreach to the state, nation, and the world.
• Interdisciplinary programs should be used to enhance human learning, growth, and development across the life span.
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